BMW i4 eDrive40 Gran Coupe eDrive40 4dr Rear-Wheel Drive Gran Coupe
Price: | $74,890 74 890 $ | |
Our Price: | $74,890 | |
Freight, PDI, Fees: | $4,086.00 | |
Rebates: | View & Apply | -$0 $ |
Total: | $78,976 78 976 $ |
Price does not include taxes and licensing fees.
Finance Payment: | $532 532 $ /bw |
Plus HST and License.
Lease Payment: | $0/bw |
Your Payments
Your Personalized
Finance Payment Amounts:
Financed $0.00
Borrowing $0.00
* Every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information listed above. Vehicle pricing, incentives, options (including standard equipment), and technical specifications listed is for the 2025 BMW i4 eDrive40 Gran Coupe may not match the exact vehicle displayed. Please confirm with a sales representative the accuracy of this information.
Body Style |
Engine |
Mileage |
Fuel Type |
Transmission |